Kidde Home Fire Extinguisher Recall
By: Jim Maurer

November 2, 2017 - Kidde recalls 40 million home fire extinguishers manufactured between January 1, 1973 and August 15, 2017. Numerous injuries, property damage, and one death are attributed to these faulty extinguishers.
With 40 million units manufactured over the last forty-four years recalled by the most popular brand of home fire extinguishers, there is a good chance this recall covers your fire extinguisher.
Kidde will replace these at no cost to you. To check if your extinguisher is recalled and to request a replacement, call Kidde at (855) 271-0773 or visit " You can also watch their video here
I called the phone number. They answered quickly, asked a few questions, and told me they would ship replacements to me at no cost. You may not need to return the defective ones.
Once you receive your replacements, what should you do with the defective ones? If Kidde does not ask you to return them, DO NOT KEEP THEM! We all hope we never have a need to use a fire extinguisher, but if we do need one, we don't want to grab the defective one. You can bring the defective ones to your fire department. A better option may be to try out the defective one in an appropriate setting. Most of us have never discharged a fire extinguisher. Having a little experience with one might come in handy someday. Keep in mind these are filled with a fire suppression powder. These will make a BIG mess wherever you discharge it, so make sure it is an appropriate location.
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